Sunday, February 14, 2010

The beginnings of newness

This is my very first post on my new blog. I started this blog so I can track or document my journey from now until about two years from now. If things go well, I might continue to write about the rest of life depending on the direction it takes.

So you ask, what's so special about now and two years from now? Well, thanks for asking, I shall tell you what is so great! As of February 12, I am a nominee to a volunteer teacher position in Central or South America with Peace Corps! I am so so so excited. When I got the email from my local recruiter I practically jumped out of my comfy blue chair with excitement! Instead of hurting myself by being entangled in computer cords I stayed seated, remained cool, calm and collected and wrote a letter of thanks to the recruiter. Psych! I shouted for joy, asked a ton of questions to my recruiter, called my mom with sheer excitement in my voice, sat and cried tears of joy for a good 5 minutes. Then I shared all the news with my Facebook friends and got tons of congratulatory responses. I'm writing in this blog to tell about everything that I'll be experiencing from here on out. For the next few months, I'm anticipating a lot of waiting, a lot of doctors appointments and a ton of paperwork. (During these few months, I'll probably talk about my wonderful job as an assistant teacher at a preschool.) After that, I'm hoping to be volunteering somewhere in Latin America for 2 years. This blog will be the stories of the programs I'll be involved in, the joy, fear, frustrations or any other kind of emotions that will ensue throughout these years.

The title of my blog, putting the ICE in servICE, is an idea from my best friend (mi amor). All last night, we brainstormed and typed our fingers off trying to come up with a good title that would be very representative of what's to come and still maintain an air of originality. Service will be the story of my life and the emphasis on ICE is a nickname of mine (cand-ICE). We combined them together to get the beautiful title that you see up top. I'm looking forward to see how service will change me, enhance me and teach me. I will continue to be ICE, but at the end of these two years I will be a new and improved ICE. Well maybe not so new, but definitely improved.

I'm inviting you to come and journey with me for the next few years while I learn about myself, another culture and peoples, and learn how to teach and be taught. Strap yourself in, because this could be a long, bumpy ride!

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